Numerous applications rely on email addresses to recognize users. Since email addresses are unique, they serve as a reliable way of verifying the authenticity of a user. However, sending emails to incorrect addresses can result in errors. This is why the format of an email address is typically checked after it is entered. While some developers utilize RegEx for this purpose, is it truly the best practice?
Using the Discard Operator in C#
The discard operator in C#, a simple underscore, can be used in multiple situations. It is used to signal that something is intentionally unused, like an out parameter or the return value of a method. In this article, I will show how to use this operator and analyze the benefits of using it.
Enumerable.Index and More
With .net 9 a new Enumerable extension was introduced: Enumerable.Index(). This method combines the item from the enumeration with its index. This is a useful addition which avoids manual counting in foreach loops or using for loops directly. In this article I will show how the method is built in detail and will implement similar methods that return whether the item in the enumeration is the first or last item.
Multi-Project Configuration in Visual Studio
The new Visual Studio 2022 update with version number 17.9.0 was released recently. The release comes with a couple enhancements, including changes in the document well and non-modal debug visualizers. But my favorite new feature is the multi-project configuration which allows us to manage startup profiles. The feature is not mentioned in the “What’s new?” dialog in Visual Studio and is easy to overlook, so I provide some additional information.
How To Get Space Used by Tables and Indexes in SQL Server?
Databases can use a lot of storage space. It is always good to know how the space is distributed among the tables and indexes. SQL Server allows us to query all relevant data and create our desired reports. In this article I will show different queries and alternative options to access the storage sizes at various levels of detail.
Focus on Enums
Many program languages support a concept called Enumerated Types or better known as Enums. An Enum is a set of named constants that can be used as a type. C# does also support Enums, and the construct is easy to use. But Enums have a few pitfalls that are not obvious and can lead to unexpected behavior. Not obvious is also, that C# supports two different kinds of Enums with slight differences.
Bit Manipulations With C#
C# is a high-level language and therefore one rarely needs to work with single bits. Nevertheless, C# offers all the possibilities to do so. Bit manipulations can be used for many purposes, like with Enums, low level hardware communication or mathematics.
The Hidden C# Feature: Collection Initializers
In C# there is a handy feature which is often used, but whose definition is rather invisible: Collection Initializers. With Collection Initializers, collections can be filled with content directly during initialization.
Hello, World!
This is my new blog. I used core, C# and SASS and deployed it with Docker on Azure. Docker is something I’m trying to learn right now, and I use this blog to test the deployment to Azure. It is tradition in software development to greet the world when taking first steps with new technologies. I also need a first article. Therefore, here we go: Hello, World!